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All you need to know about water dynamization

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The dynamization of water is attracting growing interest in the field of wellness and health. This process, also known as "water structuring", aims to improve the properties of this liquid by giving it a new molecular structure with characteristics that are beneficial to the body. It encompasses a variety of methods, from the use of magnetic fields and crystals to vortex techniques and frequency impregnation. 

This practice is based on the principle that a new structuring of water, close to that of natural spring water, can positively influence its hydration level, solubility and even its ability to support biological processes.

Have you ever heard of Struct'Water?

The benefits of water dynamization

The process of dynamizing water brings numerous health benefits to those who drink it, both internally and externally. Water is consumed by humans, but also by other organisms such as animals and plants. That's why we recommend using it for your entire household! You'll soon see the benefits for all your followers.

Better digestion

If you're used to nausea, vomiting, an enlarged stomach, flatulence, constipation, etc., dynamized water will give you significant results. For those who are sensitive, this is a liquid you won't be able to live without from the very first sip!

Action on metabolisms

Cholesterol and urea levels return to normal.

Neurohormonal regulation

This action has been noted for a marked improvement in the tone and elasticity of the neuro-sympathetic system in the lungs and stomach, as well as better regulation of blood pressure and the hormonal system.

Blood and lymph circulation

Water dynamization contributes to the elimination of cellulite and obesity within a few months, generally with visible effects after 2 to 3 months.

Action on kidneys

Enjoy better dissolution of kidney stones!

Action on the liver and gall bladder

Dynamized water rapidly reduces liver volume. It also eliminates kidney and gallstones, with particularly surprising results. It acts deep within the body to eliminate stones naturally!

2 liters of water per day are recommended.

Action on the skin

By energizing water, our Struct'Water restores its molecular structure, which has an effect on the skin, helping to regress dermatitis. This phenomenon, when it occurs, indicates a detoxification of the body and a better elimination of natural substances present in the organism.

Please note that water dynamization is not a substitute for medical treatment.

Struct'Water to energize your water

Struct'Water is a positive wave generator bearing the same name as our French company. Designed and built to the same size as a standard household appliance, it fits into a wide range of spaces. 

That's why it can be found in all kinds of environments, whether living or working.

With him, we propose a vortex water dynamization process as follows:

  • Magnetizing water : when subjected to a magnetic field of neodymium magnets, the structure of calcium and magnesium ions in solution in the water changes, preventing limescale in suspension from depositing on the walls;
  • Dynamization and harmonization: this second step brings you closer to the desired result. The waves take on the geometric shape of the Flower of Life, considered sacred, for positive energy;
  • Water information: information is transmitted by various vibratory frequencies. This is the ultimate stage.

If you'd like to purchase our Struct'Water, so that you can consume the highest quality water following the dynamization process, visit our online store. Depending on your personal tastes and preferences, you can choose from a range of colors!


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