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Magnetized water and weight loss: is there a connection?

Magnetized water

Magnetized water is attracting increasing attention for its alleged health benefits. But what are the links between magnetized water and weight loss? This article explores the potential mechanisms behind this relationship.

Find out if magnetized water can help you on your weight loss journey.

What are the links between magnetized water and weight loss?

Magnetized water is water treated with a magnetic field, which is supposed to modify its structure and improve its properties. Proponents of this technique claim that it can offer several weight-loss benefits.

Better hydration

Good hydration is essential for maintaining optimal health and facilitating weight loss. Magnetized water may improve hydration, helping to reduce bloating and water retention. In addition, adequate hydration is crucial for many bodily functions, including metabolism. Drinking water before meals can also help reduce hunger and limit calorie intake. If magnetized water does indeed improve hydration, it could play a role in weight management by supporting these processes.

Metabolism boost

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. An efficient metabolism is crucial for weight loss. Magnetized water could increase energy expenditure, as good hydration is essential for an optimal metabolism, which can increase caloric expenditure. By helping the body to function more efficiently, magnetized water could support a healthy metabolism.


Detoxification is the process by which the body eliminates toxins. A body less encumbered by toxins functions better and can support weight loss. Magnetized water may improve toxin elimination, as better hydration helps the kidneys filter and eliminate waste more efficiently. By aiding digestion, magnetized water can help maintain a healthy balance in the body.


Efficient digestion is essential for nutrient absorption and weight management. Magnetized water could improve nutrient absorption, as more "bio-available" water could facilitate the absorption of necessary nutrients. In addition, better hydration can prevent common digestive problems such as constipation, which contributes to better weight management.

How can you incorporate magnetized water into your weight-loss routine?

Magnetized water can be an interesting addition to your weight loss routine. Here are a few steps and tips on how to effectively incorporate this water into your daily routine.

1. Understanding the benefits of magnetized water

Before getting started, it's important to understand how magnetized water can help you. By improving hydration, facilitating detoxification and optimizing digestion, this water can support your weight loss efforts.

2. Choosing a magnetizing device

To integrate magnetized water into your routine, it's essential to choose the right device. Struct'Water offers several effective and innovative options for magnetizing water:

1- Struct'Water

Struct'Water uses advanced technologies to hydrate up to six times more effectively than ordinary water. It helps eliminate toxins, improves cellular metabolism and boosts the immune system. Thanks to neodymium magnets, positive messages and a vortex system, it restructures water in just an hour and a half, facilitating better absorption by cells and protecting the microbiota.

2- Biodynamic Water

The Biodynamic Water, which is easy to install in the home's water system, restructures water by subjecting it to a magnetic field. This process energizes the water and increases its energy by up to 6 meters around the device. It's easy to use and requires no special technical knowledge.

3- Biodynamic Water Pro

For larger requirements, the Biodynamic Water Pro is ideal for large families and businesses. It treats larger volumes of water and its energy reaches around 10 meters. It's perfect for domestic use, as well as for agriculture and livestock farming.

3. Preparing your magnetized water

Once you've chosen your Struct'Water device, prepare your magnetized water by following the instructions provided. In general, this involves placing the water in the device or letting the water pass through the magnetic field generated by the device. Struct'Water can structure water in as little as an hour and a half.

4. Integrate magnetized water into your daily routine

To maximize the benefits, drink magnetized water regularly throughout the day. Here are some key times to consume this water:

  • In the morning: drink a large glass of magnetized water to get the day off to a good start;
  • Before meals: drinking magnetized water before meals can help reduce appetite and promote optimal digestion;
  • During exercise sessions: stay hydrated with magnetized water to improve performance and recovery;
  • Before going to bed: a glass of magnetized water can help maintain good nocturnal hydration.

5. Combine magnetized water with a balanced diet

Magnetized water can support your weight-loss efforts, but it's no substitute for a healthy diet. Combine it with a diet rich in fiber, lean proteins and healthy fats for balanced nutrition.

6. Maintain regular physical activity

Hydration with magnetized water can improve your athletic performance. Incorporate regular physical activity, such as walking, running, yoga or strength training, to support your weight loss goals.

7. Observe the effects on your body

Take the time to observe how your body reacts to magnetized water. Note any improvement in your energy, digestion or general well-being, and track your weight loss progress.

8. Consult a healthcare professional

Before making any significant changes to your routine, consult a healthcare professional. He or she will be able to give you personalized advice and ensure that the integration of magnetized water is adapted to your situation.

So you see, magnetized water and weight loss have potential links in terms of hydration, detoxification and digestion. By incorporating magnetized water into your routine, you can maximize its positive effects and support your efforts to achieve your health and wellness goals.

Explore Struct'Water products to find the right magnetizing device for you, and start your journey to better hydration and optimized weight loss.


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