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Is hot tap water safe to drink?

hot water flowing from a tap into the sink

Knowing whether hot tap water is safe to drink is a legitimate concern in terms of its impact on our health and well-being. While cold water is generally considered safe in many regions, uncertainties persist as to the quality and safety of hot water from the same sources. 

Several factors influence the potability of hot water, and the potential health risks associated with its consumption. Preventive measures to ensure your daily safety!

Whether you're looking for information or solutions to improve the quality of your water, we're here to help you better understand the issues and protect your health and that of those around you.

Is hot tap water a source of illness?

At very low risk, hot tap water can be a source of illness.

Although most water heaters are set at 60°C, which is very hot enough for immediate consumption, it's not hot enough to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the pipes. It's also important to remember that the water you consume from the tap usually stagnates for a while in the hot water tank, which encourages the growth of bacteria.

Note: most bacteria found in hot water tanks can cause pneumonia. We therefore recommend that you always leave your mixing valve on the "cold" position.

Drinking hot water directly from the tap can then present health risks due to the possibility of contamination by bacteria and other undesirable substances.

Bacteria and micro-organisms

Hot tap water can be stored in a tank where the temperature is conducive to the growth and proliferation of bacteria if not kept at high levels. Pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites can thrive in stagnant hot water, causing illness if consumed.

Chemical contamination

In addition to biological contaminants, it can also be contaminated by chemicals from pipes and drains, including heavy metals such as lead, volatile organic compounds and residues of chemicals used to treat water.

What precautions should I take when drinking tap water?

Although the health risks are very low, it's best to take precautions. We advise you not to drink hot tap water directly. If you wish to use it to hydrate yourself, or to prepare drinks such as tea or coffee, it's best to boil cold water at a high temperature for a few minutes to kill any pathogenic micro-organisms. 

Also, you can let the water run for a few moments before collecting and using it, allowing any stagnant water to drain away.

The same goes for cooking: avoid cooking pasta in tap water. If you have any doubts about the quality of tap water, you can choose to filter it before using it for cooking or washing your fruit/vegetables. Indeed, those that are certified can help eliminate potential contaminants!

Note: some people, such as the elderly, infants, pregnant women or immunocompromised individuals, may be more sensitive to contaminants in tap water. In such cases, it may be preferable to use bottled or filtered water for cooking.

What's the best water to drink?

Structured water. 

You can get your hands on it with StructWater, a positive wave generator, or with the Biodynamic Water Home device for all faucets.

Indeed, structured water is attracting growing interest, as it offers a more ordered molecular structure and better cellular hydration than ordinary water, which in turn has health benefits. Rather than drinking tap water, we invite you to drink structured water to improve energy, enhance digestion, improve hydration and slow down the aging process.

By installing a special device on your pipes, you can transform your potentially contaminated hot tap water into structured, healthy water!


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