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Is tap water safe to drink and of good quality?

Certainly drinkable* since it is checked regularly, but by no means but by no means of the highest quality to be assimilated by our as it is energetically dead.

Yes, treated and abused tap water!

Today, it's more than ever advisable to give energy (LIFE) back to the water you consume.

This notion of dead water / living water upsets many people, yet science today has been able to demonstrate it.

Living water is water that ' s energized, structured and ready to give us the best of itself.


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Water is put to the test

As you all know!
water is put to the test before it can be consumed.
In any case, none of these waters is biocompatible with your body without your intervention.


In its natural state, water is in motion - we could say LIVING (structured)!

We bring it to your tap in pressurized pipes, treated with various chemicals or ultraviolet treatments that don't respect the precious nature of water, and it's not much better for many plastic bottled waters.

As a result, these waters are dead (destructured).

Bottled water

Plastic bottle 


Many bottled waters are not immune to
pollutants and electromagnetic pollution, not to mention the fact that
78% of them contain plastic micro-particles. In
bottled water, we find two types of water:

a) Mineral waters

They are not subject to the same regulations as tap water.
Compared to tap water, mineral waters are not subject to many treatments.

They can be treated for iron, manganese and fluoride, but not for disinfection.

The differences between mineral waters are due to differences in calcium, magnesium, fluoride, sulfate and sodium content.

They are not necessarily suitable for everyday use, so it is very important to
check their composition.

b) Spring water

In contrast to mineral water, spring water is subject to the same regulations as tap water, i.e. it must meet all potability criteria, but must not undergo disinfection treatment like mineral water.

The same spring water may come from several sources in different regions, and its composition obviously changes according to its origin.

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Water is life!

Your body is made up of an average of 60-90% water, the most important element along with air.

Water therefore plays a vital role in health. To do so, it must itself be alive

Blood, 83% water, transports all nutrients,
oxygen, antibodies and hormones throughout the body.
Lymph composed of 94% water has the primaryfunction of cleansing.

Along the way, lymph carries waste products such as bacteria and damaged cells. Water helps regulate body temperature, etc.

So, do you understand the extreme importance of drinking structured or dynamized water (biocompatible with health and life*), for a body to remain in good health!


Why is water so important to life?

Water is involved in all vital functions.

According to Theodor SCHWENK (1910-1968), "devoid of organs, water is the original organ common to all living beings, always functional" and he adds:

"For its renunciation of any specific form, water becomes a creative element present in the development of all structures.

By renouncing all specific life, water becomes the original being of all living beings.

By renouncing all specific material characteristics, water becomes the medium for all transformations of matter.

Through its renunciation of any specific rhythm, water becomes the medium of all rhythms."

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The thirst problem!

Two liters of water a day? But I'll never make it. I'm never thirsty!

With a few variations, this is the reaction of many people when they are advised to drink water. For them, the sensation of thirst has diminished over the years. Why is this?

A component of the diencephalon, the thalamus serves as a relay for sensory pathways and is also involved in the sensation of thirst. This occurs when the body suffers from a lack of water. We have already seen that, to satisfy this sensation, many people drink something other than water, which directly stimulates the digestive function. But the body asks for water and receives something else; it asks for it again, but still doesn't receive it...

After a while, the body stops emitting the thirst signal, which is clearly useless. Those affected become less and less thirsty, setting off a vicious circle as their bodies receive even less water.

However, once you start drinking structured water again, you'll feel naturally thirsty and your mouth will feel dry, a sign of thirst and lack of water. This increased need for water makes it easier to absorb the two liters per day.

When you start drinking water from the StructWater, you consume a lot more water, as your body demands it. This is perfectly normal, and will regulate itself over the following weeks. 


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How do you recognize a lack of water?

When thirst arises, it always indicates an urgent need to drink, and unfortunately no longer appears in the case of chronic water shortage. So we need to look after our health by being more attentive to all our body's signals.

1) urine color: the color of the urine is the clearest indicator of water deficiency. It should be almost colorless and odorless. The more yellow it is, the more dehydrated the body is and the harder the kidneys have to work. In this case, you need to drink structured water again and again.

2) Thirst during meals: The body needs water to digest food and triggers the sensation of thirst if it has no reserves. But if you drink during a meal, it's too late, because it dilutes the digestive juices and disrupts digestion. That's why it's best to drink plenty of water half an hour before the meal, and as little as possible during it.

3) Constipation: when the body suffers from lack of water, stools are hard and dry. Drinking copiously liquefies and softens them.

4) Dizziness Dizziness: lack of water in the brain can cause slight dizziness, for example when climbing stairs, stooping, standing up, etc. Structured water quickly revitalizes blood circulation, far more effectively than chemical tablets.

5) water retention in the legs: It may seem paradoxical that water retention in the legs, arms and other parts of the body is a sign of lack of water. However, it actually means that the body is dehydrated and has too much salt and toxins in its tissues. To dilute them, it accumulates water. It is therefore necessary to drink structured water and detoxifythe body to enable it to eliminate large quantities of salt and toxins. Water retention will disappear naturally, but you also need to reduce the amount of salt you consume, eat it unrefined and modify your diet.

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  • * Bio-compatible water (perfect water to suitable water) with health and life according to Bioelectronics Vincent :
    • Acid-base potential: PH between 5.5 and 7.2
    • Redox factor: rH² between 23 and 30
    • Resistivity: from a minimum of 3,500 to > 6,000 ohm/cm
    • Dry residue between 10 and 205 milligrams per liter
  • * Drinking water: water that can be drunk without immediate danger to health - water that must
    comply with the March 1989 decree.
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Give your body water that is alive and biocompatible with health and life.

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