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All you need to know about the water molecule and its composition

Essential to our survival, we need to consume water every day. Ponds, oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, rainwater, snow, minerals, food... In short, by being present in everything that surrounds us and everything that governs us, it constantly reminds us that life on earth depends on it. But what about the water molecule and its composition?

Water: vital for our survival

If you lose 2% of your body's water, you'll start to feel the need to hydrate. This is something we all experience at some point in our lives: after exercising, when we are confronted with extreme heat, when we become dehydrated... However, if you lose 10% of your water, the effects will be more serious: hallucinations, retracted skin. If a person is not hydrated at this stage, their prognosis is seriously compromised.

In fact, once dehydration reaches 15%, the human body succumbs. To compensate for these losses and avoid poor health, it's essential to drink an average of two liters of water a day. You can ingest it by drinking, but also by consuming foods that contain it: vegetables, fruit, dairy products, etc.

To understand the water molecule and its compositionyou also need to know that it circulates in a particular circuit: in an uninterrupted cycle in our bodies. It is never stagnant. In this way, it plays an active part in our proper functioning: tissue irrigation, easier digestion of food, cell production, evacuation of body waste, etc. Thanks to the water molecule and its composition, our muscles and brain are able to receive the necessary signals.

The water molecule and its composition

Composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, the diameter of the water molecule is 0.15 nm (one billionth of a metre). The oxygen atom is surrounded by eight negative electrons and two hydrogen atoms. Each of the two atoms is surrounded by a positive electron.

As we saw earlier, we know that everything that surrounds us in terms of materials, food, liquids and natural elements is made up of at least one water molecule, with its composition as we know it. What's more, 99% of all matter in the universe is composed of hydrogen. The matter that surrounds us is made up of specific cells. These cells are themselves made up of molecules that communicate with each other via billions of connections.

The water molecule and its composition are no longer a mystery to us, thanks to those who have studied the subject, but what we're increasingly trying to understand and use is water's energy for magnetic healing. Electronic water is rich in electrons with an electro-negative charge: in other words, it produces energy.

What is structured water?

The water molecule and its composition are dipolar. This means that its ends are charged with negative electrons for oxygen and positive electrons for hydrogen. The attraction between the two opposites creates a molecular bond or hydrogen bridges for water to structure itself. This enables it to bind with all the particles encountered in our bodies.

Thanks to 8 neodymium magnets, water can be magnetized. This practice energizes and harmonizes water. In this way, the water molecule regains its natural, optimal composition, providing our bodies with the necessary elements that are virtually absent from bottled mineral water.

So, far from toxic and polluting waste, far from tap water and plastic bottled water, some manufacturers are launching water structuring devices. At lower cost, you can enjoy the benefits of the water molecule and its composition. In fact, structured water improves microbiota, drainage, vitality, energy, intestinal transit and the immune system... In short, it improves the functioning of our entire body.

If you're interested in this subject, you can turn to the manufacturers. Professionals in the field, they will be able to answer your questions about the different fields of action possible on the water molecule and its composition: for the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies.


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