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Everything you need to know about the benefits of the Osmose fountain!


The Osmose fountain transforms your tap water into pure, refreshing water. Thanks to an advanced filtration process, it eliminates impurities for optimal hydration. In this article, we take an in-depth look at the benefits of this technology, both for your health and for your plants.

Find out why this appliance is a smart choice for your home.

The Osmose fountain, a product with multiple health benefits!

The Osmosis fountain is not just a source of pure water, it's a real asset to your well-being. Osmosis water is recognized for its multiple benefits, from improving hydration and reducing contaminants, to supporting the immune system and improving digestion.

Improved hydration

Osmosis water, obtained with the Osmosis fountain, offers exceptional purification quality, eliminating common impurities such as chlorine, heavy metals and pesticides. The absence of contaminants means more efficient and rapid absorption by the body. What's more, the water tastes better, encouraging you to drink more regularly and maintain good hydration. Reducing the concentration of undesirable minerals also prevents the negative effects of over-consumption of certain minerals.

Contaminant reduction

Osmosis fountains play a crucial role in reducing contaminants in water. It removes a wide variety of harmful substances, including pathogens, heavy metals and pesticide residues. This protects your health and reduces the risk of long-term chemical poisoning. By eliminating bacteria and other pathogens, osmosis water helps prevent waterborne diseases and supports your immune system.

Immune system support

Drinking RO water can play a vital role in supporting your immune system. By eliminating biological contaminants, it reduces the pathogenic load on your immune system, making it more effective in fighting off other infections. Regular consumption of pure water helps the body to eliminate accumulated toxins, lightening the workload of detoxifying organs such as the liver and kidneys. Pure water allows your body to concentrate on fighting infections rather than managing toxins and impurities.

Improved digestion

RO water can have significant beneficial effects on your digestive system. By enabling better absorption of essential nutrients, it facilitates the digestive process. It also reduces the risk of digestive disorders caused by impurities, such as bloating and abdominal pain. Adequate hydration is crucial to the proper functioning of the digestive system, helping to prevent constipation and maintain smooth digestion.

The Osmose fountain stands out for its cutting-edge technology, ease of use and economic and ecological impact. It uses a multi-stage filtration system to guarantee excellent water quality, eliminating up to 99% of contaminants. Easy to install and use, it fits into any home with clear instructions and an intuitive design. By using tap water and purifying it, you reduce your dependence on plastic bottles, which is good for your wallet and good for the planet.

Is osmosis water good for plants?


There are several advantages to using osmosis water to water your plants. RO water is pure, free from many of the contaminants found in tap water, making it an excellent choice for your indoor and garden plants.

No chlorine or fluorine

Chlorine and fluoride, often found in tap water, can damage the health of your plants. These chemicals can damage roots and inhibit plant growth. Osmosis water, free of these chemicals, provides a healthier environment for plants, enabling better nutrient absorption and more vigorous growth.

Nutrient balance

Osmosis water enables plants to absorb nutrients from the soil more efficiently. Minerals and heavy metals contained in tap water can sometimes accumulate in the soil, creating an imbalance that hinders the absorption of essential nutrients. With water, plants receive pure water that doesn't upset this balance, promoting healthy growth.

Reduces mineral deposits

Tap water often contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, which can accumulate on roots and soil in the form of mineral deposits. These deposits can hinder the absorption of water and nutrients by plants, reducing their growth and overall health. Osmosis water, by removing these minerals, prevents the build-up of deposits, ensuring an optimal growing environment for plants.

Toxin prevention

Plants are sensitive to toxins in water, such as heavy metals and pesticide residues. Water filtered to remove these toxins reduces the risk of stress and damage to plants. This allows plants to thrive in a safer, cleaner environment.

Improving soil quality

The use of osmosis water helps maintain soil quality by preventing the accumulation of harmful substances. Healthy soil is essential for plant growth, as it retains nutrients and water better, and promotes root growth. By watering your plants with osmosis water, you ensure that the soil is fertile and conducive to optimum growth.

Better growth and flowering

Thanks to the absence of contaminants and better absorption of nutrients, plants watered with osmosis water tend to grow better and produce more abundant flowers. Water purity helps plants reach their full potential, both in terms of size and health.

In conclusion, the osmosis water supplied by the Osmosis fountain not only benefits your plants, it also improves their growth and health by eliminating contaminants and harmful chemicals. What's more, for your own health, the water provides superior hydration, reduces toxins and supports your immune system. By using this type of water, you create an optimal environment for your plants and enjoy the many benefits of pure water.


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